At Trends in Client Reporting 2008, experts from various financial institutions discussed client-centric content and forms in client reporting. Roger Dicech from Infidar spoke about the introduction of new title types in client reporting at Bank Julius Baer. Tashi Gumbatshang and Florian Berger from Zürcher Kantonalbank shed light on investment mapping as a basis for the advisory process. Rolf Burgermeister from Wegelin & Co Privatbankiers spoke about transparent reporting of structured products, while Urs Arnold spoke about the content and form of client reporting.
Roger Dicech Deputy COO Infidar Vermögensberatung AG
Tashi Gumbatshang Head of Product Management Investments Zürcher Kantonalbank
Florian Berger Product Management Investments Zürcher Kantonalbank
Rolf Burgermeister Head “Risksys and Reporting” Wegelin & Co. private bankers
Urs Arnold Geschäftsleitung und Creative Director Arnold. Content and form
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