Cinnamon for Pension Funds - a Solution that fulfils Regulatory Requirements and Supports Strategic Goals



The Cinnamon platform for pension funds

In the complex world of pension funds, it is essential to have tools that both meet regulatory requirements and support strategic goals. The Cinnamon solution provides just that.

Extensive possibilities

Optimal tools to achieve your goals


Investment Accounting

Cinnamon bietet Pensionskassen ein robustes Investment Accounting, das die genaue und zeitnahe Erfassung aller Anlageaktivitäten gewährleistet. Dies stellt sicher, dass alle finanziellen Transaktionen korrekt erfasst, kategorisiert und gemeldet werden.

Investment Reporting

With Cinnamon, pension funds can ensure transparent and detailed investment reporting. The system makes it possible to precisely map the investment strategy in the reporting. Whether asset classes, geographical allocations or specific investment types, Cinnamon ensures that the reporting corresponds exactly to the defined strategies.

Investment Controlling

Effective investment controlling is key to monitoring and optimizing investment performance. With Cinnamon, pension funds can monitor their investment portfolios, identify risks and exploit opportunities to achieve the best results for their beneficiaries.

Compliance with regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements such as BVV2 and TER reporting are of central importance for pension funds. Cinnamon ensures that these requirements are not only met, but also implemented efficiently and correctly.

Investment guidelines and monitoring

Strict compliance with investment guidelines is a top priority. With Cinnamon, pension funds can not only clearly define their policies, but also proactively monitor to ensure that all investments remain within the defined limits.


Comprehensive and flexible solutions for pension funds

Cinnamon technology provides pension funds with a comprehensive and reliable platform that meets the complex needs of the industry. With its integrated, adaptable solution, Cinnamon ensures that pension funds can achieve their goals efficiently and compliantly.


Your service for pension funds

Contact our pension fund specialists to find out how bmpi can help you.
Your contact
Oliver Gloor
+41 44 454 84 84