Investment reporting by Swiss pension funds has already reached a high level. However, a recent benchmark study raises the question of whether the existing reports meet the requirements. The study, which is based on the principles of the CFA Institute, not only examines the prerequisites for effective investment reporting, but also whether the reports provide decision-oriented information and thus enable targeted steering of the investment process.
Investment reporting is often the only instrument with which members of a board of trustees or an investment committee can monitor and assess the investments made. Accordingly, these reports should contain all the information necessary for follow-up decisions. If this is not the case, the requirement for the effectiveness of investment reporting is not met and the report is only conditionally suitable or not suitable as a management tool.
The benchmark study “Investment Reporting by Pension Funds” examined the question of whether the current reports meet this requirement. The study was guided by the principles
of the of the CFA Institute. These principles describe the necessary conditions for effective investment reporting. In addition, the study investigated the extent to which investment reporting contains decision-oriented information and is thus suitable for the targeted management of the investment process.
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