By Alexander Salim

Client Reporting Survey 2020

6. August 2021
Client Reporting
people in front of laptops

bmpi conducted the Client Reporting Survey 2020. The focus was on the topics Flexibility and Online Features. We are pleased to share the results.


The Client Reporting Survey took place in autumn 2020. The quality of the responses and the mix of the participants was very good. The focus was on two topics, first, the Flexibility because the requirements in the client reporting area are constantly changing and second, Online Features since we wanted to analyse the development of those.

Main Findings


  • The flexibility to adjust (paper and online) reports is rather low.
  • The ambitions to improve the flexibility are diverse and in the case of high ambitions the focus is on online reporting.
  • Paper and online reporting systems are in most cases separated.

Online Features

  • The majority has very high ambitions to improve the online reporting in almost all functional dimensions.
  • Notable exceptions without high ambitions are multimedia and presentations.
  • There is a high amibition to order PDF reports online. It is assumed that this is due to the limited flexibility in online reporting.


The survey shows that client reporting is constantly changing. Not only the digitalization creates new opportunities, but also new content-related and technical needs of clients, the regulator or the financial institution itself are driving adjustments. Behind the scenes, topics such as flexibility and customization are important to offer the clients the best possible service that can be realised cost-efficiently.

Survey results website

The public results of the Client Reporting Survey 2020 can be found on the following website: survey results.

You want to know more about Cinnamon Reporting?

Would you like to learn more about ESG reporting?

  • Would you like to offer ESG reporting to your clients and prospects? Take advantage of our service. Find out more on our ESG website.
  • What is the difference between the ESG Web Report and the ESG Print Report? View our ESG Web Report and our ESG Print Report.
  • Contact Thomas Tscherrig at or +41 44 454 84 84 for a consultation.

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